Together we can break the cycle of generational poverty in Central México

We cannot instantly fix the generational poverty marginalization, but together we can work to restore hope and dignity to those in Central México that need it the most.

The poverty that permeates the lives of marginalized families in México is unfairly passed down to each generation.

It doesn't need to be this way.

Status quo  

Most parents have been passed down a engrained poverty mindset from their parents and then this same poverty cycle naturally continues to be passed down to their children.  

Lack of resources 

If nothing changes, then nothing can change. It's very difficult for people without hope, basic needs such as nutritious food or the desire to gain new skills to allow them to hope for a brighter future.  

The cycle continues

Kids joining the work force early to help the family pay the bills versus staying in school is something that is considered normal and expected and it is part of the problem with generational poverty. 

Central Mexico Mission Society was established in 2006 because we knew we couldn't do everything, but we could do something.

Since then, many Canadians have joined us along the way doing whatever they could to help, working along side our established local agencies on the ground in Mazatlán, Mexicó.  What did we learn?  If we worked together doing small acts of love in the name of Jesus we could provide hope and resources that break the generational curse of poverty that affected these families.

So how do we close the gap to end the poverty cycle?

By working through a three-part process

Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress
Current Progress



Whether you decide to give your finances, your prayer support, and/or volunteer your time, you hold a key role in changing the trajectory of families in Central México.



We truly believe to be able to change the generational curse of poverty the work needs to be locally-led, so we connect your support to the right local partners. 



The partnership between all of us combines to resource families with what they need to restore their dignity, hold their heads up high, and create a new legacy for their children.

When hope and dignity is restored to the marginalized 

 Some really incredible things happen 
More people can thrive   

Whether it's helping kids to stay in school, or giving care and aid to those who need the most help, every initiative we work together with to help fund increases the ability for more people to thrive than ever before. 

Local Partners Succeed

When local agencies have the support and financial funding they need to be successful, they are then free to do what they do best - to offer critical support and care to those who need it most.

Gods love shines throughout

When many small acts of care are done with great love, together we become the hands and feet of Jesus, and God's love is able to shine through even the darkest of places.

Thank you for providing the opportunity for us to bless and be blessed as we serve the people of Mazatian.

- Ernest & Alma

 Whether you donate financially or donate your time by volunteering some of your time while vacationing in Mazatlán, however you choose to partner, you can play a key role

To change the generational curse of poverty the work needs to be locally-led with reputable agencies on the ground who are already doing God's work

These are the types of local partnerships that we support to fulfill our mission.

Children's Programs

Programs that directly support the whole of a child. Promoting education for their mind, food and care for their body, and an opportunity to know the love of Jesus.

Community Programs

Programs that with work directly in individual communities to meet immediate and practical needs like food security, basic health and hygiene with compassion and dignity. 

Focus & Special Projects

Projects that support other unique, dynamic, or hyper-local areas of need outside of our regular established programs while still meeting real needs with compassion and dignity.

Here's how you can help today

Step 1  


Make a decision for how you want participate. Whether it is Donating Financially or Volunteering Time or Resources.

Step 2  


Decide which program or special project you want to align your partnership efforts with.

Step 3  


Celebrate with us as we use our collective resources to make a lasting difference in helping the families that need it the most.